[mapserver-users] shapefile polygon, overlapping dashed outline displays incorrectly

Heidi Ochis hiho at ctmap.com
Tue Dec 3 13:16:23 PST 2013

I have a shapefile which is a polygon drawn as a line with a dash-dot- 
dash pattern. Because the polygon edges overlap each other (it is a  
county file) the lines don't show up correctly due to the misalignment  
of the dash pattern.  This question was posted in 2009, but I do not  
see any response for a work-around.  I have tried a double style:

             COLOR 255 255 255
             WIDTH 3
             COLOR 0 0 0
             WIDTH 3
             LINECAP butt
             PATTERN 20 5 5 5 20 END

with no success.  How do I correct this display error?

hiho at ctmap.com

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