[mapserver-users] Intersect and Union with mapserver

Robert Sanson Robert.Sanson at asurequality.com
Sun Dec 29 12:44:16 PST 2013

What you need is a Web Processing Service (WPS). The client app needs to allow the user to select the two layers to UNION or Intersect, then pass the request to the WPS which performs the task, and passes the resulting layer back to the client for display. I don't believe Mapserver can do this yet, although it could participate in the selection process and the display of the result. 



>>> saka royban <sakaroyban at yahoo.com> 30/12/2013 6:21 a.m. >>>
Thanks steve.
Because i'm kind of ArcGIS-oriented guy, i should explain what i see there
and loonking for that here.
Supppose that 2 verctor layers as input, Union analysis produces another
vector layer with attributes of both input layers while features of input
layers are UNIONED.
I hope i have explained well what i have in my mind.

(and sorry for my english, as well).


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