[mapserver-users] Installing MapServer 6.2 on IIS7.5

Donald Kerr donald.kerr at dkerr.co.uk
Tue Feb 12 01:06:53 PST 2013

Thanks, Umberto.


As I said to Neil, they're very rough. Neil can maybe neaten them up a bit
whilst he's going through the process of installing on his machine. I'll do
the same when I next work on a non- XP machine.








From: Umberto Nicoletti [mailto:umberto.nicoletti at gmail.com] 
Sent: 12 February 2013 08:47
To: Donald Kerr
Cc: Neil Crisp; mapserver
Subject: Re: [mapserver-users] Installing MapServer 6.2 on IIS7.5


Saved you both some time and copied your notes in the wiki:







On Tue, Feb 12, 2013 at 9:20 AM, Donald Kerr <donald.kerr at dkerr.co.uk>



I have some rough notes for my set up (Classic ASP website wit Openlayers -
Mapserver WMS/WFS) as follows:


1.      IIS

a.      Click Start, Control Panel, Programs, Turn Windows features on or

b.      Select Internet Information Services.

c.       Select Web Management Tools then select IIS Management Consule.

d.      Select World Wide Web Services

e.      In Application development Features, select ASP, CGI, ISAPI
Extensions, ISAPI Filters and Server-Side Includes.

f.        In Common HTTP Features, select Default Document, HTTP Errors,
HTTP Redirection and Static Content.

g.      In Health and Diagnostics, select HTTP Logging and Request Monitor.

h.      In Performance Features, select Static Content Compression.

i.        In Security, select Request Filtering.

j.        Navigate to http://localhost - An IIS welcome page should be

k.       Run inetmgr.

l.        Highlight Default Web Site under Sites the right-click, Manage Web
Site then click Advanced Settings. Change the physical path to d:\vmds\web\.

m.    Double-click ASP in the centre panel of IIS Manager and ensure the
following are set:

                                                  i.      Enable Parent

n.      Click on Application Pools in the left hand panel of IIS Manager,
click DefaultAppPool in the centre panel then click advanced settings in the
right hand panel. Ensure that Enable 32-Bit Applications is set to True.

o.      Create the following virtual directories in IIS:

                                                  i.      cgi-bin
d:\mapserver\cgi-bin (Neil, will probably be MS4W cgi-bin?)

                                 ii.    mapserver
d:\mapserver\wwwroot (Neil, you will probably not require this)

p.    Mapserver via FastCGI

                                  i.    Click on Default Web Site then
double-click Handler Mappings in the centre panel.

                                 ii.    In the Actions Pane, click Add
Module Mapping then set the following:

1.     Request path:         *.exe

2.     Module:                  FastCgiModule

3.     Executable:             d:\mapserver\cgi-bin\mapserv.exe

4.     Name:                     Mapserver via FastCGI

5.     Click on Request Restrictions and set the following:

a.     Mapping Tab: Check "Invoke hander . ", then set for "File".

b.    Verbs Tab: "One of the following .", enter "GET,HEAD,POST".

c.     Access Tab: Check "Execute".

                                iii.    Whilst the "Mapserver via FastCGI"
handler mapping is highlighted, click on Edit feature permissions in the
right hand panel then ensure that read, script and execute are checked.


For 64 bit Mapserver:


2.      Mapserver x64

a.      Download x64 version of Mapserver from

b.      Delete all existing files in d:\mapserver\cgi-bin\. These are the 32
bit Mapserver files from MS4W.

c.       From the above download, copy all dlls from /bin/ to

d.      Copy Mapserv.exe from /bin/ms/apps/ to d:\mapserver\cgi-bin


I hope this helps. If you write it up properly (something I should have
done) then please send me a copy.








From: mapserver-users-bounces at lists.osgeo.org
[mailto:mapserver-users-bounces at lists.osgeo.org] On Behalf Of Neil Crisp
Sent: 12 February 2013 04:39
To: mapserver-users at lists.osgeo.org
Subject: [mapserver-users] Installing MapServer 6.2 on IIS7.5


I have successfully installed the latest release of MapServer (6.2beta4) on
Windows via MS4W using Apache, but I need to get it running under IIS7.5.  I
haven't been having a good time.


The latest documentation (Release 6.3-dev) still has the old IIS 5
documentation written by Debbie Paqurek back in 2005 and the latest other
documentation I can find is for IIS 6 and is rather complex.


Has anyone successfully installed it on IIS7.5 and if so do you have a nice
straightforward procedure for it?  Something similar to Debbie's
instructions, but up to date, would be great.



Neil Crisp.



From: mapserver-users-bounces at lists.osgeo.org
[mailto:mapserver-users-bounces at lists.osgeo.org] On Behalf Of Neil Crisp
Sent: 12 February 2013 04:39
To: mapserver-users at lists.osgeo.org
Subject: [mapserver-users] Installing MapServer 6.2 on IIS7.5


I have successfully installed the latest release of MapServer (6.2beta4) on
Windows via MS4W using Apache, but I need to get it running under IIS7.5.  I
haven't been having a good time.


The latest documentation (Release 6.3-dev) still has the old IIS 5
documentation written by Debbie Paqurek back in 2005 and the latest other
documentation I can find is for IIS 6 and is rather complex.


Has anyone successfully installed it on IIS7.5 and if so do you have a nice
straightforward procedure for it?  Something similar to Debbie's
instructions, but up to date, would be great.



Neil Crisp.

mapserver-users mailing list
mapserver-users at lists.osgeo.org


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