[mapserver-users] Lock file limit on many concurrent seeding processes [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]

Matthew Doyle M.Doyle at bom.gov.au
Sun Feb 17 23:09:49 PST 2013

Hi Thomas and MapCache users,

Is there a way to raise the limit on the number of lockfiles which MapCache uses by default?

I am seeding a *lot* of layers twice a day, and when there are many parallel processes at once, i get a steady stream of messages in my apache error_log like:

 [Mon Feb 18 06:16:14 2013] [error] [client] found old lockfile /tiletmp/scratch/_gc_lock3-4-26-ADFDWEATHER1820130218061203.lck, deleting itfound old lockfile /tiletmp/scratch/_gc_lock3-4-28-ADFDWEATHER1820130218061203.lck, deleting itfound old lockfile /tiletmp/scratch/_gc_lock3-5-29-ADFDWEATHER1820130218061203.lck, deleting itfound old lockfile /tiletmp/scratch/_gc_lock3-4-27-ADFDWEATHER1820130218061203.lck, deleting itfound old lockfile /tiletmp/scratch/_gc_lock3-4-29-ADFDWEATHER1820130218061203.lck, deleting itfound old lockfile /tiletmp/scratch/_gc_lock3-5-26-ADFDWEATHER1820130218061203.lck, deleting itfound old lockfile /tiletmp/scratch/_gc_lock3-6-27-ADFDWEATHER1820130218061203.lck, deleting itfound old lockfile /tiletmp/scratch/_gc_lock0-0-0-ADFDWEATHER1820130218061203.lck, deleting itfound old lockfile /tiletmp/scratch/_gc_lock2-1-6-ADFDWEATHER1820130218061203.lck, deleting itfound old lockfile /tiletmp/scratch/_gc_lock1-0-2-ADFDWEATHER1820130218061203.lck, deleting itfound old lockfile /tiletmp/scratch/_gc_lock3-5-28-ADFDWEATHER1820130218061203.lck, deleting itfound old lockfile /tiletmp/scratch/_gc_lock3-5-27-ADFDWEATHER1820130218061203.lck, deleting itfound old lockfile /tiletmp/scratch/_gc_lock3-5-25-ADFDWEATHER1820130218061203.lck, deleting itfound old lockfile /tiletmp/scratch/_gc_lock3-6-26-ADFDWEATHER1820130218061203.lck, deleting itfound old lockfile /tiletmp/scratch/_gc_lock2-1-7-ADFDWEATHER1820130218061203.lck, deleting it

Subsequently, i also see a lot of messages like:
[Mon Feb 18 06:17:08 2013] [error] [client] tileset ADFDWEATHER: unknown error (another thread/process failed to create the tile I was waiting for), referer: http://www.bom.gov.au/australia/meteye/
when a user tries to access a tile which is in the process of being seeded.

Is this in any way related to a limit on the lockfiles? Is it possible to avoid these errors, or are they false positives and something to ignore?


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