[mapserver-users] How retrieve the maxsize information with an httprequest

Rahkonen Jukka Jukka.Rahkonen at mmmtike.fi
Tue Jan 29 23:38:32 PST 2013


How about making an utility that captures the layer bounds from GetCapabilities, takes the centre point of the bounds, checks the min/max scale limits from the GetCapabilities and then calculates a reasonable BBOX and makes a GetMap query with WIDTH=400  and HEIGTH=400.  By increasing the outputsize incrementally the server sooner or later sends back something else than a valid image and that was it. 

-Jukka Rahkonen-

Eichner, Andreas wrote:

> > But to use it efficiently is necessary to know the maxsize value
> > applied in the mapfile of the wms server.
> > Is this information retrievable from the getcapabilities or there is a
> > differente cgi request to have this information ?
> Yes and no. From MapServer as
> /WMS_Capabilities/Service/Max<Width|Height>. But this information is
> optional and only defined for WMS v1.3.0. So it won't be available for earlier
> version and probably not for other implementations.
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