[mapserver-users] Generating the Map-file on Windows

Jeff McKenna jmckenna at gatewaygeomatics.com
Thu Jun 20 04:02:56 PDT 2013

On 2013-06-19 4:14 PM, Andrey Maraev wrote:
> Hello! I try to generate the mapfile on Windows according to the
> instruction: https://github.com/mapserver/mapserver/wiki/RenderingOsmDataWindows
> When I make step 9 manually via cygwin it works. But I have a question:
> Did anyone use it via scripts? I tried to write cmd-script but have a
> problems with a make`s adaptation. 
> If I use:
> @echo off
> SET PATH=%PATH%;"C:\cygwin\bin"
> make all
> :EOF
> I get the errors with make 
> sed -i 's/##.*$//g' osm-default.map
> make: sed: Command not found
> Makefile:105: recipe for target `osm-default.map' failed
> make: *** [osm-default.map] Error 127
> Could you please give an advices how fix it or is there other ways how
> to change makefile script or use something different, not the make? 

Hi, I haven't tried your way (sounds interesting), but it would be great
if you could edit that wiki page directly with your updates.


Jeff McKenna
MapServer Consulting and Training Services

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