[mapserver-users] mapserver Projection

Sowmya Tiramdasu stiramdasu at lp360.com
Mon Jun 24 07:26:04 PDT 2013


  I am trying to make mapserver read a shape file, which has ""WGS_1984_Web_mercator_Auxillary_sphere" as its projection. This is the ARCGIS Explorer standard projection. I wrote code to make a shape file out of the "Notes" drawn on the ARC GIS Explorer. So that's the projection of it.

   Now, when I am creating a layer in the mapfile, what should I give under the projection information for the layer. I checked on the www.spatialreference.org<http://www.spatialreference.org> site that this particular projection does not have any proj 4 format. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Sowmya Tiramdasu
QCoherent Software
9668 Madison Blvd., Suite 202
Madison, AL 35758
(256) 461-8289 Telephone
(256) 461-8249 Fax

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