[mapserver-users] postgis layers don't show up

Pedro Costa pedrocostaarma at sapo.pt
Wed Mar 13 07:50:01 PDT 2013

Ok, i got some information [1]....

I can see that mapserver tried get the layers....But no errors, i think...

[1] http://pastebin.com/fmnBLWcw

Em 13-03-2013 12:53, Yves Jacolin (Free) escreveu:
> Hello,
> Could you try to add:
> in the LAYER object. You can find some useful information in the mapserver log
> and see the request sent by MapServer.
> Regards,
> Y.
> Le mercredi 13 mars 2013 12:26:31 Pedro Costa a écrit :
>> Hi,
>> Yes, sure...
>> No, nothing about the table....
>> Thanks
>>       NAME "ruas"
>>       TYPE LINE
>>       CONNECTIONTYPE postgis
>>       CONNECTION "user=pedro password=****** dbname=norte host=localhost
>> options='-c client_encoding=LATIN1'"
>>       DATA "the_geom from ruas using unique n_rua using srid=27492"
>>           TOLERANCE 3
>>       TOLERANCEUNITS pixels
>>       TEMPLATE void
>>           PROJECTION
>>       "init=epsg:27492"
>>      END
>>       METADATA
>>       "DESCRIPTION" "Ruas"
>>       "RESULT_FIELDS" "n_rua"
>>       "RESULT_HEADERS" "ID"
>>         "ows_title"      "Ruas"
>>           END  # Metadata
>>           CLASS
>>       Name 'ruas'
>>       COLOR 0 0 0
>>           END  # Class
>>     END
>> Em 13-03-2013 12:21, Yves Jacolin (Free) escreveu:
>>> Hello,
>>> Could you post you layer object from your mapfile?
>>> Does the log says something about  your postgis table?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Y.
>>> Le mercredi 13 mars 2013 11:40:29 Pedro Costa a écrit :
>>>> Hi guys,
>>>> I have one mapfile with conections to postgis layers and one raster.
>>>> My problem is that the layers from postgis don't show up...If i make the
>>>> request without the raster i got only white images...
>>>> I have the debug level in 5 and I got no erros in all logs (including
>>>> apache)...
>>>> The permissions of the database are correct because I tried accessing
>>>> with qgis and it worked fine. I'm also try specified the projection
>>>> ("using srid = 27493") but without sucess...
>>>> I'm also tried add one of the Iayers of db but from a shape and worked
>>>> fine...
>>>> Furthermore, very strange is that when I try to run mapfile with
>>>> pmapper, I can search for attributes and zoom to the correct areas
>>>> (despite can't see geometries) ...
>>>> Anybody have an idea?
>>>> Thanks
>>>> SO: Ubuntu server
>>>> MapServer version 6.0.1
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