[mapserver-users] postgis layers don't show up

Carlo Pelliconi c.pelliconi at sis-ter.it
Wed Mar 13 09:54:34 PDT 2013

I think like others that the problem could be in srid definition.

Remember that you need to define an srid for the mapfile and an srid for 
each layer in the mapfile.
When using postgis connectiontype I also put "using 
srid=yourPostGisLayerSrid" in the DATA sql statement of the layer 
(mandatory? I don't know, but it works)

Hope this helps.
Best Regards, Carlo

Il 13/03/2013 12:40, Pedro Costa ha scritto:
> Hi guys,
> I have one mapfile with conections to postgis layers and one raster.
> My problem is that the layers from postgis don't show up...If i make 
> the request without the raster i got only white images...
> I have the debug level in 5 and I got no erros in all logs (including 
> apache)...
> The permissions of the database are correct because I tried accessing 
> with qgis and it worked fine. I'm also try specified the projection 
> ("using srid = 27493") but without sucess...
> I'm also tried add one of the Iayers of db but from a shape and worked 
> fine...
> Furthermore, very strange is that when I try to run mapfile with 
> pmapper, I can search for attributes and zoom to the correct areas 
> (despite can't see geometries) ...
> Anybody have an idea?
> Thanks
> SO: Ubuntu server
> MapServer version 6.0.1
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Carlo Pelliconi - www.sis-ter.it
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