[mapserver-users] postgis layers don't show up

Stephen Woodbridge woodbri at swoodbridge.com
Wed Mar 13 10:39:48 PDT 2013

So What do you get in pgadmin or psql with:

select count(*)
      from ruas
          where the_geom && GeomFromText('POLYGON((88071.2044330519
122184.53,88071.2044330519 124022.08,91531.2955669481
124022.08,91531.2955669481 122184.53,88071.2044330519 122184.53))',27492);

select st_astext(st_extents(st_collect(the_geom))) from ruas;


On 3/13/2013 1:22 PM, Pedro Costa wrote:
> Yes, i confirmed that right now, its the bb but i don't understand the
> problem because in other server (with the same coordinates) this works
> fine.
> i'm also confirmed the extent in qgis and its correct...
> my mapfile top data:
> EXTENT  88386.2 122329.41 91216.3 124022.08
> UNITS meters
> SIZE 500 500
> SHAPEPATH "shape"
> SYMBOLSET "../common/symbols/symbols-pmapper.sym"
> FONTSET "../common/fonts/msfontset.txt"
>     "init=epsg:27493"
> my layer:
>      NAME "ruas"
>      DEBUG 5
>      TYPE LINE
>      CONNECTIONTYPE postgis
>      CONNECTION "user=pedro password=****** dbname=norte host=localhost
> options='-c client_encoding=LATIN1'"
>      DATA "the_geom from ruas using unique n_rua using srid=27493"
>          TOLERANCE 3
>      TOLERANCEUNITS pixels
>      TEMPLATE void
>          PROJECTION
>      "init=epsg:27493"
>     END
>      "DESCRIPTION" "Ruas"
>      "RESULT_FIELDS" "id"
>      "RESULT_HEADERS" "id"
>      "ows_title"      "Ruas "
>          END  # Metadata
>          CLASS
>      Name 'ruas'
>      COLOR 0 0 0
>          END  # Class
>    END
> Em 13-03-2013 17:14, Stephen Woodbridge escreveu:
>> The polygon is the bounding box of the image that you requested.
>> Mapserver only needs the geometries the cross of the map image and
>> this is what the where clause is doing.
>> Why do you thin this is not correct? What does the top of you mapfile
>> look like and what does this LAYER definition look like?
>> -Steve W
>> On 3/13/2013 1:12 PM, Pedro Costa wrote:
>>> Thanks to all.
>>> The problem is the query.despite don't give me any error returns 0
>>> features...
>>> This happens because the 'where with the polygon'  [1]...
>>> Anybody knows the origin of that polygon?
>>> select encode(ST_AsBinary(ST_Force_2D("the_geom"),'NDR'),'hex') as
>>> geom,"n_rua"
>>>      from ruas
>>>          where the_geom && GeomFromText('POLYGON((88071.2044330519
>>> 122184.53,88071.2044330519 124022.08,91531.2955669481
>>> 124022.08,91531.2955669481 122184.53,88071.2044330519
>>> 122184.53))',27492)
>>> Em 13-03-2013 16:54, Carlo Pelliconi escreveu:
>>>> I think like others that the problem could be in srid definition.
>>>> Remember that you need to define an srid for the mapfile and an srid
>>>> for each layer in the mapfile.
>>>> When using postgis connectiontype I also put "using
>>>> srid=yourPostGisLayerSrid" in the DATA sql statement of the layer
>>>> (mandatory? I don't know, but it works)
>>>> Hope this helps.
>>>> Best Regards, Carlo
>>>> Il 13/03/2013 12:40, Pedro Costa ha scritto:
>>>>> Hi guys,
>>>>> I have one mapfile with conections to postgis layers and one raster.
>>>>> My problem is that the layers from postgis don't show up...If i make
>>>>> the request without the raster i got only white images...
>>>>> I have the debug level in 5 and I got no erros in all logs (including
>>>>> apache)...
>>>>> The permissions of the database are correct because I tried accessing
>>>>> with qgis and it worked fine. I'm also try specified the projection
>>>>> ("using srid = 27493") but without sucess...
>>>>> I'm also tried add one of the Iayers of db but from a shape and
>>>>> worked fine...
>>>>> Furthermore, very strange is that when I try to run mapfile with
>>>>> pmapper, I can search for attributes and zoom to the correct areas
>>>>> (despite can't see geometries) ...
>>>>> Anybody have an idea?
>>>>> Thanks
>>>>> SO: Ubuntu server
>>>>> MapServer version 6.0.1
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