[mapserver-users] How to integrate Openlayers + MapScript C# + Postgis

Raffaele Morelli raffaele.morelli at gmail.com
Fri Mar 15 06:32:19 PDT 2013

2013/3/15 Marco Araujo <marcoaraujolsys at hotmail.com>

>  Hello Raffaeli,
> Can you guide me on how to configure a WMS server with MapServer?
> WMS would be to prepare a file. Map with their layers? or not?
> If yes, I've already configured because I can load a map (shapefile)
> through the MapServer and visualizes it with openlayers.
> The problem is how MapServer will read data from the database and not a
> shapefile.
> Can you help me?

I believe you should read some fundamental documentation as Stephen
suggests... your task is quite straightforward but mapserver & postgis &
openlayers are not just toys :-)


PS as second step, if you have a working mapfile (as you stated) you should
load shp file into postgis and add a postgis layer in your mapfile

*L'unica speranza di catarsi, ammesso che ne esista una, resta affidata
all'istinto di ribellione, alla rivolta non isterilita in progetti, alla
protesta violenta e viscerale. (V. Evangelisti)
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