[mapserver-users] MAXSCALEDENOM : different values between two servers

Fernando Norte fernando at globalgeo.com.br
Thu Mar 28 06:17:00 PDT 2013

yeap... same mapfile, just a copy.
I guess it might be about some pre-defined value envolved in scale
resolution calc, but don't make any idea what it is or/and how to set.


 *Fernando Norte*

Desenvolvedor SIGWeb

tel.(31) 2533.9900

cel.(31) 9119.8814

skype: fernandoglobalgeo

Endereço: Alameda do Ingá, 88, 6º andar, Vale do Sereno

Nova Lima/MG - CEP: 34.000-000


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2013/3/27 Lime, Steve D (MNIT) <Steve.Lime at state.mn.us>

>  Exact same mapfile?
>  ------------------------------
> *From:* mapserver-users-bounces at lists.osgeo.org [
> mapserver-users-bounces at lists.osgeo.org] on behalf of Fernando Norte [
> fernando at globalgeo.com.br]
> *Sent:* Wednesday, March 27, 2013 9:48 AM
> *To:* mapserver-users at lists.osgeo.org
> *Subject:* [mapserver-users] MAXSCALEDENOM : different values between two
> servers
>   Hello,
>  I have a problem using the MAXSCALEDENOM when transfer to a differnet
> server.
> I developed localy, testing etc, and then send to another remote server.
> The problem is:
> In my local machine I use, for example, a value to MAXSCALEDENOM 6500000
> (1:6.5M)
> This was not working in my remote server, then I found that if this scale
> is divided by 100000 works fine: MAXSCALEDENOM 65
>  Since the both using MapServer version 6, booth are Linux, what should
> happen to this scale change?
>  Thanks,
>       *Fernando Norte*
> Desenvolvedor SIGWeb
> tel.(31) 2533.9900
> cel.(31) 9119.8814
> skype: fernandoglobalgeo
>  Endereço: Alameda do Ingá, 88, 6º andar, Vale do Sereno
> Nova Lima/MG - CEP: 34.000-000
> www.globalgeo.com.br
> "O presente documento pode conter material confidencial ou seu sigilo é
> protegido por lei.
> Quaisquer informações nele contida são destinadas exclusivamente ao(s)
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