[mapserver-users] Is there still a 2GB size limit on shapefiles?

Stephen Woodbridge woodbri at swoodbridge.com
Wed May 8 21:49:44 PDT 2013

In general the shapefile spec is owned by ERSI and unless they change 
the spec you will have a problem. Last I knew, there are 
pointers/offsets inside the shapefile that are only 32bits wide per the 
spec. it is because of these that you are limited to 2GB.

At some point I thought Frank W or someone was working on a version of 
shapelib that could support greater than 2GB, but only programs that 
used that version would be able to read/write these larger files. I have 
not heard anything on that front in a while so I don't know if that was 
just talk, or code ever materialized.

-Steve W

On 5/9/2013 12:32 AM, Rahkonen Jukka wrote:
> Hi,
> I am not sure either if reading >2GB shapefiles works with the native
> shp reader on all platforms, but as the ticket says, you should be
> able to use OGR connection in the mapfile even with your current
> version. If you use OGR you can also split the shapefile into pieces
> and read them through the ogr tileindex system which may be faster
> sometimes.
> -Jukka Rahkonen-
> ________________________________ Andrea Peri wrote:
>> If it don't work you should evalute the option to use spatialite.
>> It work well with dataset greater than 2GB . I use it with
>> mapserver 6.3dev and gdal 1.10.
> 2013/5/9 Roger André <randre at gmail.com<mailto:randre at gmail.com>>
> Pretty sure I just hit
> this<http://trac.osgeo.org/mapserver/ticket/3514> problem in my 6.0.3
> local stack.  I haven't tested it in the current release, but does
> anyone know for sure that a shapefile with any component larger than
> 2GB works in 6.2?
> Roger
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