[mapserver-users] MapCache "missing a service" error

Jackey Cheung cheung.jackey at gmail.com
Mon May 27 19:12:18 PDT 2013


I'm trying to deploy a MapCache server. It compiles OK, but I can't tell
whether everything is working fine, since I can't see any output from the
server (command line and HTTP response, etc.)

I've write up a config xml as below:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  <cache name="test_cache" type="disk">
    <symlink_blank />

  <source name="test_lands" type="wms">

  <format name="PNG" type ="PNG">

  <tileset name="test_tileset">
    <grid restricted_extent="113.816929 22.135340 114.504470 22.567942">
      <title>test web map.</title>
      <abstract>Powered by MapKing.</abstract>
    <metatile>10 10</metatile>

  <service type="wms" enabled="true">
  <service type="wmts" enabled="false"/>
  <service type="tms" enabled="false"/>
  <service type="kml" enabled="false"/>
  <service type="gmaps" enabled="false"/>
  <service type="ve" enabled="false"/>
  <service type="demo" enabled="false"/>


I use spawn-fcgi to start the server:
spawn-fcgi -M 666 -s /var/run/mapcache.sock -n -u nginx -g nginx -U nginx
-G nginx -P /var/run/mapcache.pid -- /usr/local/bin/mapcache

The server seems to be running, since it doesn't return to the command
prompt. When I use browser to open "", the
first request (the exact first request to the newly started server process)

tileset "test_tileset" references grid "
    ", but it is not configured

Then all subsequent requests returns "missing a service" error.

I've tried adding a WGS84 grid to the xml, but that produces duplicate
declaration error. I've also tried using the mapcache.xml from source
package, the same "missing a service" error occurs.

What's wrong?
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