[mapserver-users] Mapcache - Tileset Dimensions with regex

Shruti Mukhtyar shruti_mukhtyar at hotmail.com
Tue May 28 13:36:41 PDT 2013

I need help with using RegEx for Tileset Dimensions in my mapcache configuration file. I used the example given in mapcache.xml.sample and I get following error:
Syntax error on line 429 of httpd.conf:failed to compile regular expression "^(?!.*\.\.)[a-zA-Z0-9\./]*\.map$" for dimension "mapfile": Invalid preceding regular expression
Here is the relevant portion of my mapcache.xml<source name="dynamicMap" type="wms">      <getmap>         <params>            <MAP>/path/dynamic.map</MAP>            <VERSION>1.1.1</VERSION>            <FORMAT>image/png</FORMAT>            <LAYERS>InlineData</LAYERS>            <SRS>EPSG:3857</SRS>         </params>      </getmap>            <http>         <url>http://hostname/cgi-bin/mapserv?</url>      </http>   </source>
   <tileset name="gisMaps">      <source>dynamicMap</source>      <cache>disk</cache>      <grid>g</grid>      <format>PNG</format>      <metatile>5 5</metatile>      <metabuffer>10</metabuffer>      <expires>3600</expires>      <dimensions>        #<dimension type="values" name="userId" default="user">user1</dimension>         #<dimension type="values" name="ownerId" default="owner">owner1</dimension>        <dimension type="regex" name="mapfile" default="/path/dynamic.map">^(?!.*\.\.)[a-zA-Z0-9\./]*\.map$</dimension>      </dimensions>           </tileset>Do I need to change something in the httpd.conf file, or my mapfile, or the way mapserver/mapcache was compiled?
Besides specifying dynamic mapfiles, I would also like to use the regex dimension (instead of values dimension) for creating additional folders in the mapcache folder hirearchy. Is this possible?
e.g. /mapcache/tileset/grid/ownerid/userid/xx/xx/xx/xx/xx/xx.png
Any suggestions/comments appreciated. I'm using mapserver v 6.2 on a unix machine.
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