[mapserver-users] [Cluster:FeatureCount] is string?

Jörg Thomsen jt at mapmedia.de
Fri Sep 13 04:25:10 PDT 2013


I wonder if the [Cluster:FeatureCount] value is a string?
I have a mapfile with three classes like

> EXPRESSION (("[Cluster:FeatureCount]" > "1") and ("[Cluster:FeatureCount]" < "51")
> EXPRESSION ("[Cluster:FeatureCount]" > "50" )

As result I get mixed symbols, each feature that has a
cluster:featurecount beginning with 2,3,4,or 5 is symbololized with the
styel of the 2nd class (even 101 or 455) and each feature that has a
cluster:featurecount beginning with 6,7,8,or 9 is symbololized with the
styel of the 3. class (even 7 or 9).
An Expression like
> EXPRESSION ("[Cluster:FeatureCount]" > 50 )
(no quotes) does not work.

For a better understanding, here is the resulting image:

Furthermore it is not posible to calculate with it, sth. like
> SIZE [Cluster:FeatureCount] / 10
does not work.

Thats why I think mapserver treats featurecount as string.
Or am I doing it wrong?



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