[mapserver-users] Beginning MapServer User needs help
Håvard Tveite
havard.tveite at nmbu.no
Fri Apr 25 00:44:20 PDT 2014
The OpenLayers viewer is a nice tool for testing mapfiles:
On 2014-04-24 23:29, Rahkonen Jukka (Tike) wrote:
> Hi,
> I am willing to help but I would rather do it in some other way than trying to make that tutorial to work. For my mind it has been a good start as a tutorial but it has never been ready enough to be given for the beginners and now it is also outdated.
> - Mapfile is not valid because it does not start with the magic word "MAP"
> - Mapfile is using deprecated LAYER-CLASS while the current way it to have LAYER-CLASS-STYLE
> - The mapfile is unnecessary simple. It would be better to learn users to use projection blocks everywhere.
> - It would be more clear to use absolute paths instead of relative to shapepath
> - It should contain MS_ERRORFILE and #DEBUG 5 set plus an instruction to remove # in case of troubles and have a look at the errorfile.
> I think also that it would be better for the beginners to make a WMS service instead of using html templates and use QGIS or a web browser with handwritten WMS GetMap call as the first client. Page http://mapserver.org/ogc/wms_server.html is of much better reading but naturally it would be nice to get a map out of Mapserver with minimal work. It would make new users to believe that Mapserver really works. If we had an official installer for Mapserver it could come with a few small datasets and ready made mapfiles so that users would have something that works out-of-the-box after installation. Nightly/weekly or at least monthly builds would be welcome.
> I am not sure if this soon 3 years old tutorial still works but you can have a try http://latuviitta.org/documents/Super_easy_WMS_server.pdf
> -Jukka Rahkonen-
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Deborah Traver
> > Is anyone willing to help me figure out my issues? I am doing a tutorial on gistutor.com/mapserver <http://www.gistutor.com/mapserver/3-beginner-mapserver-tutorials/7-how-to-generate-a-simple-map-using-mapserver-and-a-shapefile.html>, and have followed it to the tee. I am a ms4w user. Mapserver and apache are installed correctly. I imagine I am making a small mistake somewhere in my MapFile &/or html. I tried sending a more detailed email, but it was too large to send. I can send more info to anyone that has a few minutes for me.
> Cheers,
> Deb
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Håvard Tveite
Department of Mathematical Sciences and Technology, NMBU
Drøbakveien 31, POBox 5003, N-1432 Ås, NORWAY
Phone: +47 64965483 Fax: +47 64965401 http://www.nmbu.no/imt/
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