[mapserver-users] Is RFC 101 in Mapserver 6.4.1?

Luca Manganelli luca76 at gmail.com
Tue Dec 2 07:17:56 PST 2014

As stated in this document:
the Content Dependent Legend Response should be integrated into MapServer.

GetLegendGraphics is fully working now; but now I tried to use HTML
legend templates. The RFC describes the CGI mode MAPLEGEND (that's not
documented, but LEGEND is). I am trying to have a html legend based on
the contents with this command:

http://local/cgi-bin/mapserv?map=map.map&mode=maplegend&MAPEXT=X1 Y1
X2 Y2&SRS=EPSG:25832

am I doing some error in this request?

Note that if I use  mode=LEGEND, it returns all the legend.

Thank you in advance :-)

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