[mapserver-users] browse mode no longer saves images?

Jörg Thomsen jt at mapmedia.de
Tue Dec 16 05:28:15 PST 2014

Hi Seth,

are you very sure the path C:/Mapserver/apps/pms/tmp exists? Please
check. Also you can use debug-mode to see where mapserver wants to write
the image and perhaps cannot.
the directory has to be writable, but with windows this should not be a

And you have to define the alias in apache for the tmp-directory like
ALIAS /tmp C:/Mapserver/apps/pms/tmp
<Directory C:/Mapserver/apps/pms/tmp>


Am 16.12.2014 um 14:03 schrieb geographika:
> Hi list,
> Until now I have been using MapServer as a WMS server. I've only
> recently been trying out the CGI controls, which would be very handy for
> a reporting application.
> The MapServer tutorials refer several times to saving temporary images
> using the mode=browse. At
> http://demo.mapserver.org/tutorial/section3.html the map images
> generated in these tutorials refer to image files on the web server (so
> are not generated dynamically). E.g.
> http://demo.mapserver.org/ms_tmp/EX1.9_141873269321745.png
> I've tried to set this up in MapServer 6.4 without success. I've set up
> parameters in the WEB section as follows:
>     WEB
>         IMAGEPATH "C:/Mapserver/apps/pms/tmp"
>         # Also tried "tmp/"
>         IMAGEURL "tmp/"
>         TEMPLATE "reports/test.html"
> However no images are ever created in this folder when using a request
> such as http://localhost/mapserver/?LAYERS=mylayer&mode=browse
> <https://localhost/mapserver/?LAYERS=mylayer&mode=browse>
> The template contains file names such as tmp/MyMap14187343292752.png but
> these never seem to be written to disk. How can these images be persisted?
> I know I could use mode=map to generate an image, but I want to create
> legends etc. all with a single request.
> Regards,
> Seth
> --
> web:http://geographika.co.uk
> twitter: @geographika
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