[mapserver-users] New to Mapserver

Stephen Woodbridge woodbri at swoodbridge.com
Thu Jul 31 13:09:25 PDT 2014

Hi Tim,

I would recommend the Mapserver Tutorial


I think this will work you through all the basics of getting started 
including build simple examples.

Start with a simple trivial example so you can verify that your system 
is installed correctly and working. If you have not done this then 
trying more complex stuff will just be confusing and miss-leading.

-Steve W

On 7/31/2014 4:01 PM, Tim Nasman wrote:
> Hello Mapserver Community,
> I am still trying to grasp the concepts of GIS on a whole and I have a
> few preliminary questions that I could use a little more detail about
> Mapserver. Currently I am getting a msLoadMap(): Unable to access fille
> error with mapserv reading my mapfile within my IIS server even though I
> have the security setup correctly on my IIS.
>   I am running Mapserver as a WMS with:
> IIS 8.5: Windows Server 2012 R2 64 bit
> Mapserver: 6.0.3
> MS4W: 3.0.6
> I also think I am still confused about WMS as a whole. From my
> understanding you have
> SHAPEPATH-this seems to draw your vector data from shapefiles stored on
> the server.
> IMAGEPATH- the URL where the temporary image file is created from the
> shapefiles
> I think as far as the WMS METADATA is where I get a tad confused. Is all
> the metadata just information being read from another WMS/database and
> then projected onto the map?
> WMS_title is the name of the server I am pulling the info from
> wms_onlineresource is the url where the map is
> wms_srs is the projection of the map
> so from what I understand you project these layers form your browser. So
> when you project these layers do you also project the shapefiles over
> these layers from the Shapepath as well?
>   I know the goal of our Mapserver is to receive data from POSTGIS
> databases and Microsoft SQL databases and then potentially NOSQL down
> the road. I think I may be getting hung up on these test mapfiles but I
> figured getting these local files should be the first step in
> understanding Mapserver as a whole.
> Thank you,
> Tim
> --
> Timothy Nasman
> Data Analyst | Programmer
> Rolling Leaf Inc.
> [V] : 910.274.1436 <tel:910.274.1436>
> [E] : tnasman at rollingleaf.com <mailto:jochs at rollingleaf.com>
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