[mapserver-users] New to Mapserver

Jeff McKenna jmckenna at gatewaygeomatics.com
Thu Jul 31 13:18:50 PDT 2014

Hi Tim,

Regarding the msLoadMap error, I would:

- try to make sure you can generate a valid map image from your mapfile 
using the shp2img commandline tool (included in MS4W)

- then once you have a map image, then try to call mapserv.exe in a 
browser with &MODE=browse&TEMPLATE=openlayers

- then if no errors you can configure your mapfile to serve WMS and 
execute a GetCapabilities request in a browser.


Jeff McKenna
MapServer Consulting and Training Services

On 2014-07-31 5:01 PM, Tim Nasman wrote:
> Hello Mapserver Community,
> I am still trying to grasp the concepts of GIS on a whole and I have a
> few preliminary questions that I could use a little more detail about
> Mapserver. Currently I am getting a msLoadMap(): Unable to access fille
> error with mapserv reading my mapfile within my IIS server even though I
> have the security setup correctly on my IIS.
>   I am running Mapserver as a WMS with:
> IIS 8.5: Windows Server 2012 R2 64 bit
> Mapserver: 6.0.3
> MS4W: 3.0.6
> I also think I am still confused about WMS as a whole. From my
> understanding you have
> SHAPEPATH-this seems to draw your vector data from shapefiles stored on
> the server.
> IMAGEPATH- the URL where the temporary image file is created from the
> shapefiles
> I think as far as the WMS METADATA is where I get a tad confused. Is all
> the metadata just information being read from another WMS/database and
> then projected onto the map?
> WMS_title is the name of the server I am pulling the info from
> wms_onlineresource is the url where the map is
> wms_srs is the projection of the map
> so from what I understand you project these layers form your browser. So
> when you project these layers do you also project the shapefiles over
> these layers from the Shapepath as well?
>   I know the goal of our Mapserver is to receive data from POSTGIS
> databases and Microsoft SQL databases and then potentially NOSQL down
> the road. I think I may be getting hung up on these test mapfiles but I
> figured getting these local files should be the first step in
> understanding Mapserver as a whole.
> Thank you,
> Tim
> --
> Timothy Nasman
> Data Analyst | Programmer
> Rolling Leaf Inc.
> [V] : 910.274.1436 <tel:910.274.1436>
> [E] : tnasman at rollingleaf.com <mailto:jochs at rollingleaf.com>
> _

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