[mapserver-users] Processing JP2000 files

EVANS, JAMES R GS-13 USAF ACC 84 RADES/SCZE james.evans.4 at us.af.mil
Wed Mar 19 15:50:33 PDT 2014

I'm trying to transition from MS4W to the latest GISInternals 64bit build. 
Most of my image sets transferred over just fine, but I'm having trouble 
getting the USDA NAIP set to work.    Here are the errors I'm seeing:
One request from the log file:
[Wed Mar 19 16:37:27 2014].812000 msDrawRasterLayerLow(NAIP): Filename is: 
[Wed Mar 19 16:37:27 2014].812000 msDrawRasterLayerLow(NAIP): Path is: 
[Wed Mar 19 16:37:27 2014].818000 msResampleGDALToMap in effect: cellsize = 
[Wed Mar 19 16:37:27 2014].818000 msDrawGDAL(NAIP): using RAW_WINDOW=0 0 5960 
7630, dst=0,0,2,3
[Wed Mar 19 16:37:27 2014].818000 msDrawRasterLayerGDAL(): 
red,green,blue,alpha bands = 1,2,3,4

My applications logs this:
Start time: 3/19/2014 4:42:43 PM
Total download time: 00:00:01.3010000
Average transfer rate: 0.0 kbit/s
Target file: C:\WorldWindCache\Earth\RADES_WMS_LOCAL2\NAIP\0\5\5_3.jpeg.tmp
Progress: 0/0 bytes
Status: The server committed a protocol violation. Section=ResponseHeader 
Detail=CR must be followed by LF

Response headers:

If I try to open that request URL in a web browser, I get several pages of 
this text:

Warning 1: Empty SOT marker detected: Psot=12. Warning 1: Empty SOT marker 
detected: Psot=12. Warning 1: Empty SOT marker detected: Psot=12. Warning 1: 
Empty SOT marker detected: Psot=12. Warning 1: Empty SOT marker detected: 
Psot=12. Warning 1: Empty SOT marker detected: Psot=12. Warning 1: Empty SOT 
marker detected: Psot=12. Warning 1: Empty SOT marker detected: Psot=12. 
Warning 1: Empty SOT marker detected: Psot=12. Warning 1: Empty SOT marker 
detected: Psot=12. Warning 1: Empty SOT marker detected: Psot=12. Warning 1: 
Empty SOT marker detected: Psot=12. Warning 1: Empty SOT marker detected: 
Psot=12. Warning 1: Empty SOT marker detected: Psot=12.

Is this a GDAL problem?  How can I get this to work?  Any suggestions would be 
greatly appreciated.

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