[mapserver-users] GSoC 2014 - ScribeUI: MapServer Mapfile Development Made Easy

samuelmesa at gmail.com samuelmesa at gmail.com
Fri May 23 14:47:09 PDT 2014

Thank you Jessica. Good job!!!

2014-05-23 14:17 GMT-05:00 Jessica Lapointe <jlapointe at mapgears.com>:

> Hi all,
> I am very pleased to announce that ScribeUI was accepted as a MapServer
> Google Summer of Code 2014 project. Development started officially this
> week, and I am very happy to be working on that project this summer for a
> second year.
> ** What is ScribeUI ?*
> ScribeUI is a web-based tool for mapfile creation and management that
> allows editing and immediately previewing mapfiles in a single application.
> Features like points of interests, map extent calculation, and an
> alternative mapfile syntax, named Scribe[1], makes the creation of mapfiles
> much faster.
> It's a tool to make life easier for mapfile developers, created by
> mapfile developers.
> ** Try ScribeUI Now on the New Demo*
> The first goal of the summer is already accomplished, you can now easily
> try out ScribeUI on the demo:
> *http://demo.scribeui.org/ <http://demo.scribeui.org/>*
> This is the pyramid version that I am working on making available for
> installation as soon as possible.
> All data, workspaces and maps are erased every day so you can play around
> with the app and the Scribe syntax. Keep in mind the quirks and bugs are
> going to be worked on this summer!
> ** ScribeUI's advancement since last year*
> Development slowed down at the end of the GSoC 2013, but the project
> didn't stop! A new MapCache plugin was added and bugs were fixed.
> One of my colleagues at Mapgears, Charles-Éric Bourget, took on the
> challenge of replacing the back-end from Flask[3] to Pyramid[4]. His work
> is however not yet available for installation, merging this with the
> current version of ScribeUI is part of this summer's goals.
> ** This Summer's Goals*
> Three principal things were needed for ScribeUI to really shine, and these
> are the main goals for this summer:
> 1. It needs an online *demo*, so that the community can feel it before
> installing it.
> 2. It needs to be *easier to install*. At the end of last summer,
> ScribeUI had a very tedious installation procedure. It’s gotten better
> since then, but there is still some work to be done.
> 3. ScribeUI needs to be more *stable*. It still has a lot of bugs, which
> are very unappealing.
> ** Conclusion*
> Feel free to ask any questions about the project. This summer is about
> getting ScribeUI to be a stable, pleasant, productivity enhancing
> experience for Mapserver users. That is why suggestions and opinions are
> highly valuable!
> Important links:
> ScribeUI website:
> http://scribeui.org
> ScribeUI Demo:
>  http://demo.scribeui.org/
> ScribeUI repository:
> https://github.com/mapgears/scribeui
> [1] http://scribeui.org/scribe-syntax.html
> [2] http://flask.pocoo.org/
> [3] http://www.pylonsproject.org/
> Thanks a lot,
> Jessica Lapointe
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