[mapserver-users] The requested URL was not found

Solly Vuso sollyvuso at gmail.com
Thu Sep 4 05:08:18 PDT 2014

Thank you Jeff I will try it
On 04 Sep 2014 2:04 PM, "Jeff McKenna" <jmckenna at gatewaygeomatics.com>

> On 2014-09-04 8:45 AM, Solly Vuso wrote:
>> Dear Mapservers
>> I was installing MS4W and apache run perfectly until I unzip the
>> application to apache . Apache shows that there is one application
>> running and when I open it the message was the url was not found;
>> Can someone please assist me on how to solve this
>> Thank you
> I usually recommend placing your applications for MS4W in the folder:
> /ms4w/apps/
> Then you can create a small .conf file in /ms4w/httpd.d (see that folder
> for examples), and restart your Apache service.
> -jeff
> --
> Jeff McKenna
> MapServer Consulting and Training Services
> http://www.gatewaygeomatics.com/
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