[mapserver-users] How to Mapserver 6.4 on Windows?

Jeff McKenna jmckenna at gatewaygeomatics.com
Fri Sep 5 14:36:23 PDT 2014

Yes MS4W is a great product, and, maybe those who relied on it all those 
years, almost decades now, can now see that clearly.  I can tell you 
that my business, Gateway Geomatics, devotes much time to this product. 
  I have done several custom builds lately for organizations, and yes 
that will help build the enterprise version for ms4w.com

If you cannot wait for that you can always contact me directly.  The 
good news is that there are now several alternatives as well.

Unfortunately making harmful statements on the Internet won't help, but 
that is your right to do so.

Thanks again, and talk soon,


Jeff McKenna
MapServer Consulting and Training Services

On 2014-09-05 6:15 PM, Ludwig Kniprath wrote:
>>> >
> Sorry, but there is no PHP-Mapscript for 64-bit-osgeo4w and a very old
> Version for 32 bit (MapServer version 5.6.6, Revision: 10204 $ $Date:
> 2010-06-02).
> By the way, the "newest" version of the ms4w-package is more then two
> years old, this "great product" is dead:
> "The latest release of MS4W is version 3.0.6 (May 26, 2012). Download now!"
> and that's no joke...
> Compile your own windows-version (I don't know how) or try linux...
> Ludwig

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