[mapserver-users] How to Mapserver 6.4 on Windows?

Ludwig Kniprath ludwig at kni-online.de
Sun Sep 7 06:55:57 PDT 2014

Sigh...never send mails with angry minds, sorry!

It's hard for windows-users to be part of the mapserver-community, when 
the available binaries are partially so far behind state of development.

We relied on ms4w, and it *was* a great product, many thanks to Gateway 
and Jeff, but after each new mapserver/apache/php/windows...version I 
had the question "How to Mapserver xxxxxx on Windows?".

Anyway, after these experiences we decided to rely on Linux in future.


> Yes MS4W is a great product, and, maybe those who relied on it all those
> years, almost decades now, can now see that clearly.  I can tell you
> that my business, Gateway Geomatics, devotes much time to this product.
>    I have done several custom builds lately for organizations, and yes
> that will help build the enterprise version for ms4w.com
> If you cannot wait for that you can always contact me directly.  The
> good news is that there are now several alternatives as well.
> Unfortunately making harmful statements on the Internet won't help, but
> that is your right to do so.
> Thanks again, and talk soon,
> -jeff
> -- Jeff McKenna MapServer Consulting and Training Services 
> http://www.gatewaygeomatics.com/ On 2014-09-05 6:15 PM, Ludwig 
> Kniprath wrote:
>> Sorry, but there is no PHP-Mapscript for 64-bit-osgeo4w and a very old
>> Version for 32 bit (MapServer version 5.6.6, Revision: 10204 $ $Date:
>> 2010-06-02).
>> By the way, the "newest" version of the ms4w-package is more then two
>> years old, this "great product" is dead:
>> "The latest release of MS4W is version 3.0.6 (May 26, 2012). Download now!"
>> and that's no joke...
>> Compile your own windows-version (I don't know how) or try linux...
>> Ludwig

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