[mapserver-users] Accessing ArcSDE on secured site

Jeff McKenna jmckenna at gatewaygeomatics.com
Mon Jun 8 13:59:04 PDT 2015

I don't have your answer, but I would try to connect through GDAL 
(ogrinfo command) to your SDE instance, and then report your commandline 
syntax and error to the community.  Since I notice that GDAL 2.0.0 is 
almost released, you might try to send your feedback and questions 
direct to the GDAL community as well (might be good timing to get a 
change done in GDAL for SDE).  And of course if you have funding 
available to help create your change, be sure to mention that in your 
message.  Thanks,


Jeff McKenna
MapServer Consulting and Training Services

On 2015-06-08 5:16 PM, Weisbender, Eric wrote:
> Hello,
> A couple of weeks about I posted the question below and hear anything.
> I was wondering if it went through and if anyone had any insight.
> I am trying to access ArcSDE with mapserver on a secured site that uses
> https:// not http.  I keep getting an error saying Server Not Found.  Is
> this even possible and if so I would welcome any help.  Thanks in advance.
> Eric

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