[mapserver-users] Documentation index missing on mapserver.org (Was: Re: Search in MapServer.org does not work)

Havard Tveite havard.tveite at nmbu.no
Tue Oct 20 05:57:37 PDT 2015

Another similar(?) issue with mapserver.org:

Some time ago, the documentation index disappeared from
mapserver.org together with the blue navigation line near
the top of the page.

Could that be a similar issue, Jeff?

When compiling the docs locally the blue navigation line
below the translation flags shows up, but on mapserver.org it
is gone.

See https://github.com/mapserver/docs/issues/125 for details.

In my opinion, the documentation index is essential when
using the Mapserver documentation, so this is a critical

The link to the documentation index:


On Mon Oct 19 09:26:53 PDT 2015, Jeff McKenna
<jmckenna at gatewaygeomatics.com> wrote:
 > Thanks for reporting Martin.
 > This was a tough one. I've noticed that since we made the move to build
 > our docs on travis-ci.org the search stopped working, I think this
 > problem has existed for a long time.
 > Today finally I discovered some travis-ci.org build scripts for
 > MapServer that "rm" some directories after copying to mapserver.org
 > including "_sources/".  I've changed those scripts and the search seems
 > to be working again:  http://www.mapserver.org/search.html?q=class
 > -jeff
 > --
 > Jeff McKenna
 > MapServer Consulting and Training Services
 > http://www.gatewaygeomatics.com/
 > On 2015-10-19 11:00 AM, Martin Icking wrote:
 >> The search window opens, but no search result is shown.
 >> In the debug console I get:
 >> GET http://mapserver.org/_sources/MIGRATION_GUIDE.txt 404 (Not Found)
 >> Tx
 >> Martin

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