[mapserver-users] problem in wms service

Jeff McKenna jmckenna at gatewaygeomatics.com
Tue Aug 16 05:05:00 PDT 2016


I would first be sure to use the 'shp2img' commandline utility to 
confirm that a valid map image is generated by your mapfile.  Once you 
have that map working through shp2img, then move to test your mapfile 
through WMS, and most importantly generating a GetCapabilities request. 
Be sure to review the GetCapabilities response, and remove any "WARNING" 
messages.  Once you have a GetCapabilities response with no warnings, 
then you can test with a GetMap request.


Jeff McKenna
MapServer Consulting and Training Services

On 2016-08-16 4:07 AM, Ahmet Temiz wrote:
> Hi,
> I am testing my wms, postgis layer it works with QUERY_STRING but not
> displays anything with curl and QGIS.

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