[mapserver-users] GetFeatureInfo wrongly return Linestring instead of Multilinestring

Andrea Peri aperi2007 at gmail.com
Wed Aug 24 03:58:06 PDT 2016

I have a line dataset and need to have a GetFeatureInfo response in GML.

To force the return of kind MultiLinestring I set in the mapfile the
two parameters:

      "gml_geometries" "GEOMETRY"

But it seem to have no effect.
Infact when try to do a request like this:


I have a set of feature where some are MultiLinestring but one is LINESTRING.
Also the xsd has in it defined a geometrytype = LINESTRING instead of

This cause a validation error in client because the XSD say
"linestring", but the gml has multilinestring and linestrings results.

Am I using wrongly the two parameters:

      "gml_geometries" "GEOMETRY"

or is an issue ?

Thx for any info.

Andrea Peri
. . . . . . . . .
qwerty àèìòù

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