[mapserver-users] mapscript version and date

Richard Greenwood richard.greenwood at gmail.com
Tue Feb 23 07:27:18 PST 2016

What happens if you change the extension from phtml to php, e.g. map.php

On Tue, Feb 23, 2016 at 7:43 AM, Eugenio Trumpy <frippe12573 at hotmail.com>

> Hi,
> my info.php states that I have installed Mapserver, version 6.4.1 but no
> date and version are declared
> for php_mapscript.
> On this ubuntu server I recently switched the php mode in apache, from
> normal mod-php5 to mod-fpm.
> Apache rightly interprets the php pages, whilst mapserver (and pmapper)
> have problems.
> The mapserver seems to work fine, the URL
> http://my_server_name/cgi-bin/mapserv?
> gives me the classical string:
> No query information to decode. QUERY_STRING is set, but empty.
> However launching the pmapper application by url:
> http://my_server_name/wm_goth/map.phtml?winsize=large&language=it&config=
> I got an almost empty page (only line on the top) and php code in the
> browser tab title.
> Can you give me hints?
> Eugenio
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Richard W. Greenwood, PLS
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