[mapserver-users] kml superoverlays

Even Rouault even.rouault at spatialys.com
Wed Jan 27 10:10:21 PST 2016

> I cannot open any data set where the depth of nested levels is greater
> than 1.
> Is this limitation by design, or the code is under development?

I don't recall the details to say if it is by design or just because it was 
not needed at time this was developed, but it is non trivial to turn a .kml 
into a valid GDAL dataset. So the code currently only probably works with some 
formulations of KML, like the one at

A first step would be to file a ticket in GDAL Trac with the KML file that shows 
the issue.

> If so,
> when it will be available the support of deeply nested kml superoverlays?

I'm not aware of anyone actively working on the driver currently. So as often 
in open source, the key to make things go forward is either to contribute 
patches or fund someone to do the work.

Best regards,


Spatialys - Geospatial professional services

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