[mapserver-users] Where is the error log file?

Robert Sanson Robert.Sanson at asurequality.com
Sun Jul 24 13:43:14 PDT 2016

Hi Jenia

I configure the location of my Mapserver error log file in my map file:

CONFIG "MS_ERRORFILE" "/mnt/gisdata/tmp/ms_tmp/ms_error.txt"



From: mapserver-users [mailto:mapserver-users-bounces at lists.osgeo.org] On Behalf Of jenia mtl
Sent: Monday, 25 July 2016 7:53 a.m.
To: mapserver-users at lists.osgeo.org
Subject: [mapserver-users] Where is the error log file?


I want to do the first example in the MS docs but I get:

    502 errors: 20 upstream prematurely closed FastCGI stdout while reading response header from upstream.

So I decided that I definitely need to read the error log from Mapserver but I can't find it.

So my question is, where is the error log of MapServer?

I launch MS like this:

    spawn-fcgi   -a -p 8001 /usr/bin/mapserv

I use archlinux. Typically in systemd (which archlinux uses) the error logs go to a standard place (journalctl). But I can't find them there. Specifically, I tried do `journalctl --no-pager | grep mapserv`. Didn't find anything from mapserv. So my question again is where is the error log of MapServer?

I tried to set a custom error log path, but it didn't work. The error.txt file is not being written to.

Here is the relevant part of the config:

    CONFIG "MS_ERRORFILE" "/home/jenia/mapserver-exercises/error.txt"
    DEBUG 5

The rest is just this mapfile (with the paths changed ofcourse): http://mapserver.org/tutorial/example1-1-map.html#example1-1-map

And I access it using this url:


That's the mapfile's ls output:

    [jenia at localhost mapserver-exercises]$ ls -l /home/jenia/mapserver-exercises/example1-1.map
    -rw-r--r-- 1 jenia jenia 2328 Jul 24 14:04 /home/jenia/mapserver-exercises/example1-1.map

To reiterate, I have two quesiton.

1. Most importantly, where is the default Mapserver error log?
2. What did I do wrong in setting the custom error log?

Thanks in advance for your time and kind help

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