[mapserver-users] KML output 6.4.2

Moisan, Yves (EC) yves.moisan at canada.ca
Tue Oct 18 13:45:31 PDT 2016

Hi All,

Haven't been here in a while ...  I'm striving to find out how to either query MS or run a command to generate a KML document ready to be ingested by Google Earth.  I've seen the documentation mentioning "Output can then be generated using MapServer cgi (example mode=map) or through a WMS request." [1] and I understand the capability has been there since 6.0, but I can't get around to obtaining a KML document that has <NetworkLink> elements pointing to the GetMap requests of particular layers.  I do get KML documents (with FORMAT=kml), but they miss a <NetworkLink> element in the <Folder> element corresponding to a layer from which GE could fetch an image :

   <!-- NetworkLink> MISSING </NetworkLink -->

Examples or pointers anyone ?



[1] http://mapserver.org/output/kml_output.html
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