[mapserver-users] Will Mapserver work with newer Microsoft SQL Server Spatial Databases

Seth G sethg at geographika.co.uk
Tue Feb 7 12:17:50 PST 2017

Hi Karsten,

We were running a production system with MS SQL 2012 for 4 years without 
any problems. We briefly moved to SQL 2014, and are now on SQL 2016 
again without issues.

Tamas Szekeres does a great job of maintaining and improving the MS SQL 
driver - https://github.com/mapserver/mapserver/blob/master/mapmssql2008.c

The OGR driver also works, but I found it to be much less flexible in 
terms of complex SQL and adding filters.



On 07/02/2017 21:12, karsten wrote:
> Dear All,
> I am trying to find out if MapServer (and/or OGR) will work with spatial
> databases newer than Microsoft SQL Server 2008. I know that the drivers work
> with that older version but did not want to promise to a client that it
> would. At this point I am not able to test it directly because I do not have
> access to a Microsoft SQL Server 2012 or newer to verify.
> Does anyone have experience and succeed with this or anyone who can share
> their experiences ?
> Cheers
> Karsten
> www.terragis.net
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