[mapserver-users] Mapfile CLASS hierarchy

Stephen Woodbridge woodbri at swoodbridge.com
Sat Jan 21 19:03:40 PST 2017

Within a layer objects are always drawn in the order they are delivered 
from the datasource. Think of the CLASSes are an IF-ELSEIF-BLOCK, when 
an object is presented each CLASS is tested and the first one the 
accepts the object renders it.

I often up a default class at then end that has no expression ans render 
it in red just so I can see if I missed any cases, but remove it when 
I'm done developing the mapfile.

-Steve W

On 1/21/2017 8:48 PM, Stefanos Anastasiou wrote:
> Hi list,
>    according to the documentation, the first layer in the mapfile is
> drawn first, and the second is drawn on top of that and so on... I was
> wondering if the same principle applies to the CLASS object as well. For
> example: I have a "Roads" layer stored in PostGIS with a "Category"
> column representing the different types of roads. So a category 3 is
> very small roads, category 2 is city roads, 1 is major roads and 0 is
> highways and on the same layers I create four CLASS objects with
> different styles for each Road category. But regardless the order of the
> classes (either I draw the small roads first or the highways) the same
> effect insists: the small roads are drawn over the highways.    So what
> is the solution here? Create different layers of the same dataset
> representing the various values of the "Category" column ??
> Regards,
> -Stefanos
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