[mapserver-users] MapCache resolution

Vladimir fl_v at inbox.ru
Sun Jan 22 04:16:04 PST 2017


I didn't found a rule and took the resolutions that my client(OpenLayers 3) sends in its request. So grid section looks like:
<grid name="mygrid">
       <extent>8238077.16046298 5283327.39507164 9001224.45086216 5792092.25533779</extent>
        <size>256 256</size>

There are no performance problem using "disk" type in "on-demand"(not seeder) mode.

Hope it'll help.

>Hello list,
>   regarding the resolution element in mapcache.xml, according to the documentation it is a " is a list of resolutions for each of the zoom levels defined by the grid ". I guess this means that it's up to define  the units-per-pixel in each service. Do we define these numbers arbitrarily? Is there some kind of a rule?
>   And another thing. I've tried the "disk" cache and the "sqlite" cache. In both cases my processor is struggling until caching the tiles for the first time. Is this normal ?   (I'm doing it in localhost)
>mapserver-users mailing list
>mapserver-users at lists.osgeo.org

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