[mapserver-users] mapserver, msProjectPoint() error

Jeff McKenna jmckenna at gatewaygeomatics.com
Tue Jul 11 05:24:39 PDT 2017

Oh another tip is to set the EXTENT parameter at the LAYER level as well 
(this is sometimes the magical solution for PostGIS/Oracle/database 
layers served through WMS/WFS..).

Hope one of these tips helps you,


Jeff McKenna
MapServer Consulting and Training Services

On 2017-07-11 9:08 AM, Jeff McKenna wrote:
> Hi Johnson,
> Welcome to the MapServer community.
> Regarding those errors, here are some rules that I always follow, that 
> may help your case:
> - when serving through WMS/WFS etc, always make sure to remove all 
> errors from a GetCapabilities response first (in your case, there might 
> be warnings of missing metadata such as "wfs_srs").
> - try not to use a non-standard projection (EPSG:900913 was officially 
> replaced by EPSG:3857 https://epsg.io/3857), you're just asking for 
> possible trouble down the road if you do...
> - just to see if these errors are related to a projection, possibly 
> setup a test case where your source data is in 4326, you serve the data 
> through WFS in 4326, and your client-side application requests the data 
> in 4326 (and see if those errors still exist)
> - possibly set the EXTENT values for the map object to the whole world: 
> -180 -90 180 90
> - test your mapfile locally with the shp2img commandline utility 
> (http://mapserver.org/utilities/shp2img.html)
> Other notes:
> I have seen odd projection errors like yours before, somehow being 
> caused in a client-side javascript application requesting WMS/WFS 
> layers.  In my case I believe the maps were generated fine, so I might 
> have 'lived' with those errors, not sure.
> -jeff

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