[mapserver-users] Diagonal Point Fill

Seth G sethg at geographika.co.uk
Wed May 17 15:31:43 PDT 2017

Hi list,

Is the recommended way to create a diagonal point fill such as 
http://www.mapserver.org/_images/diagonal-area-symbol.png to use a 
pixmap fill? This doesn't allow configuring size and color through STYLEs.
The page at http://www.mapserver.org/mapfile/symbology/construction.html 
provides a vector symbol (coords below), but it is long/complex (with a 
central circle and a quarter in each corner), and isn't easy to change 
spacing between the points. The circle edges are also slightly jagged.

   NAME "diag_dots"
   TYPE vector
   FILLED true
     # Central circle:
     0.7450    0.4500
     0.7365    0.5147
     0.7115    0.5750
     0.6718    0.6268
     0.6200    0.6665
     0.5597    0.6915
     0.4950    0.7000
     0.4303    0.6915
     0.3700    0.6665
     0.3182    0.6268
     0.2785    0.5750
     0.2535    0.5147
     0.2450    0.4500
     0.2535    0.3853
     0.2785    0.3250
     0.3182    0.2732
     0.3700    0.2335
     0.4303    0.2085
     0.4950    0.2000
     0.5597    0.2085
     0.6200    0.2335
     0.6718    0.2732
     0.7115    0.3250
     0.7365    0.3853
     0.7450    0.4500
     -99 -99
     0.25      0.0
     0.2415    0.0647
     0.2165    0.1250
     0.1768    0.1768
     0.1250    0.2165
     0.0647    0.2415
     0.0       0.25
     0.0       0.0
     0.25      0.0
     -99 -99
     1 0.25
     0.9252    0.2415
     0.8649    0.2165
     0.8132    0.1768
     0.7734    0.1250
     0.7485    0.0647
     0.74      0.0
     1 0.0
     1 0.25
     -99 -99
     0.74      1
     0.7485    0.9252
     0.7734    0.8649
     0.8132    0.8132
     0.8649    0.7734
     0.9252    0.7485
     1 0.74
     1 1
     0.74      1
     -99 -99
     0.0       0.74
     0.0647    0.7485
     0.1250    0.7734
     0.1768    0.8132
     0.2165    0.8649
     0.2415    0.9252
     0.25      1
     0.0       1
     0.0       0.74



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