[mapserver-users] Why WCS 2.0.1 slice is not supported?

Stephan Meißl stephan at meissl.name
Tue Nov 21 04:53:15 PST 2017

Hi Jukka,

> Makes somewhat sense to the letter of the standard (though a layman may argue if there is difference between a number "1" and a range between "1" and "1"):
True, but semantically it is different and we don't exclude a use case
if we don't allow one of both.

> Should we say that Geoserver is doing it wrong? What if the data are of type "pixel is point"? Does Mapserver support an outputformat that supports slicing like GML or CSV in Rasdaman?

Strictly speaking yes, but I assume they simply argue with a more
relaxed interpretation which is a valid approach I'd say. MapServer
could support such an outputformat but right now only 2d output is


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