[mapserver-users] Why WCS 2.0.1 slice is not supported?

Stephan Meißl stephan at meissl.name
Mon Nov 20 07:24:05 PST 2017

Hi Jukka,

in my opinion a one-pixel GeoTIFF is still a 2 dimensional coverage but
with two slice operations on a 2 dimensional coverage the result should
be 0 dimensional (each slice reduces the dimension by one).

In MapServer you could request using subsets with equal low and high,
e.g. &subset=Long(-100,-100)&subset=Lat(22,22), to retrieve a one-pixel


On 11/20/2017 02:43 PM, Rahkonen Jukka (MML) wrote:
> Hi,
> Geoserver sends a one-pixel GeoTIFF with WCS request
> demo.geo-solutions.it/geoserver/wcs?service=WCS&version=2.0.1&request=GetCoverage&coverageid=nurc__Img_Sample&subset=Long(-100)&subset=Lat(22)
> Mapserver is sending an error message:
> msWCSGetCoverage20(): WCS server error. Subset operation 'slice' is not
> supported.
> Does Mapserver have some fundamental difficulties with finding the
> correct pixel and making GetCoverage response from it?
> -Jukka Rahkonen-

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