[mapserver-users] How do a GetFeaureInfo on vector layer but showing raster layer ?

Anna Muñoz a.munyoz.b at gmail.com
Wed Dec 26 09:43:33 PST 2018

I would like to show with QGIS the attribute of a vector layer when I
request for information in a raster layer. Raster layer is an image from
wms service that also provides the vector layer.

I have tried to solve the problem defining a GROUP layer but QGIS doesn't
recognize layers in a group as queryable although each of them is
queryable. This topic is well described here:

I have also test apache rewrite_rules following this link:

I have a very little knowledge of mapserver but I guess the solution is
using rewrite rules. The most examples I have found are about clean url,
but I am looking for redirection from one map file to another.

The idea is to get attribute information from vector layer when user
request for information in a raster image loaded from wms service in QGIS.
Is this possible ? Any help would be appreciated.

Thank you in advance !
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