[mapserver-users] WMS DescribeLayer: MapServer requires WIDTH and HEIGHT params?

Jonathan Moules jonathan-lists at lightpear.com
Mon Jul 2 13:02:40 PDT 2018

Hi Edward,

They don't seem to be required on the Demo MapServer (which is MapServer 
version 7.0.6):


For SLD 1.1.0, looking at the spec, Table 1 and 2 both list the 
"Parameters in DescribeLayer operation request". The required ones 
(beyond the standard service/request/version) are:
layers, sld_version

There are no others, either mandatory or optional.

The SLD 1.0 spec is less clear about what's going on, but when I changed 
the sld_version=1.0.0, Mapserver excepted telling me only 1.1.0 is 

Hope that helps in some way,



On 2018-07-02 16:35, Edward Mac Gillavry wrote:
> Dear list,
> We're currently investigating an error message we get from the WMS 
> service when we execute a DescribeLayer request. It appears MapServer 
> requires WIDTH and HEIGHT parameters to be present:
> https://github.com/mapserver/mapserver/blob/branch-7-0/mapwms.c#L1705
> <https://github.com/mapserver/mapserver/blob/branch-7-0/mapwms.c#L1705>
> However, according to the SLD specs, these are NOT required:
> http://portal.opengeospatial.org/files/?artifact_id=22364
> Am I interpreting the code or SLD spec incorrectly? Or should I go 
> ahead and remove these checks and provide a PR?
> Many thanks,
> Edward
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