[mapserver-users] PostGIS layer projection

Radim Blazek radim.blazek at gmail.com
Thu Jul 18 01:59:06 PDT 2019

can you please explain how does re-projection of PostGIS layers work?
If there is a POSTGIS layer with DATA without "using srid=" but
PostGIS column has SRID defined, there is constraint for that SRID on
the column and geometries have SRID set, is it necessary to define
PROJECTION for that layer if SRID of the column is different from that
of mapfile?

For example, geometry column has SRID=4326, geometries have SRID set, mapfile:

NAME test
     LAYER test
          CONNECTIONTYPE postgis
          DATA "geo FROM test"

if a request comes to render a map in 3857, will be geometries
re-projected correctly from 4326 to 3857?


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