[mapserver-users] Cannot compile mapserver 7 with postgis

Sebastiano Laini Sebastiano.Laini at BuchananComputing.co.uk
Wed Jun 19 03:18:23 PDT 2019

Hi Jonas,

now it works with PostGis support.

I suppose that the problems was in the

       -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH="/usr/lib64;/usr/pgsql-11;/usr/lib64/oracle/12.1/client64/sdk/include" \

I was using <path>:<path> without double quotes around the full string and you use double quotes and semicolons to split the paths.


Sebastiano Laini
Web Developer
Buchanan Computing

From: Jonas Lund Nielsen [mailto:jolni at sdfe.dk]
Sent: 19 June 2019 10:11
To: Sebastiano Laini <Sebastiano.Laini at BuchananComputing.co.uk>; 'mapserver-users at lists.osgeo.org' <mapserver-users at lists.osgeo.org>
Subject: SV: [mapserver-users] Cannot compile mapserver 7 with postgis

I have had success compiling MapServer 7.4 on RHEL7 as noted below. I guess it should be somewhat similar to CentOS.
Just remove whatever Oracle-specific and other options you might not need. I don't think MapServer has PostGIS as a direct build-dependency.

It is unclear to me from your post, whether you have a previous build working with an earlier version, and the problem just occurred with an update to proj 6?
So please bear in mind that this build was relying on proj 5.2 and gdal 2.4.

I have installed "postgresql11.x86_64", "postgresql11-devel.x86_64" and "postgresql11-libs.x86_64" from the postgres yum repository:
yum install pgdg-redhat11-11-2.noarch.rpm (installs the repository, not the above three packages)

cmake3 -DINSTALL_LIB_DIR:PATH=/usr/lib64 \
       -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH="/usr/lib64;/usr/pgsql-11;/usr/lib64/oracle/12.1/client64/sdk/include" \
       -DWITH_WMS=ON \
       -DWITH_WFS=ON \
       -DWITH_WCS=ON \
       -DWITH_SOS=ON \
       -DWITH_KML=ON \
       -DWITH_CURL=ON \
       -DWITH_PROJ=ON \
       -DWITH_GEOS=ON \
       -DWITH_ICONV=ON \
       -DWITH_LIBXML2=ON \
       -DWITH_OGR=ON \
       -DWITH_GDAL=ON \
       -DWITH_GIF=ON \
       -DWITH_FCGI=ON \
       -DWITH_PERL=OFF \
       -DWITH_JAVA=OFF \
       -DWITH_PHP=OFF \

Best regards

Fra: mapserver-users <mapserver-users-bounces at lists.osgeo.org<mailto:mapserver-users-bounces at lists.osgeo.org>> På vegne af Sebastiano Laini
Sendt: 18. juni 2019 15:24
Til: 'mapserver-users at lists.osgeo.org' <mapserver-users at lists.osgeo.org<mailto:mapserver-users at lists.osgeo.org>>
Emne: [mapserver-users] Cannot compile mapserver 7 with postgis

For the version that I use I need Proj6

I don't really understand why I can compile other software correctly and MapServer no, I don't even understand what should I put


this is the first error that appear,

Cmake Warning at cmake/FindPostgreSQL.cmake:21 (message)
Pg_config not found, will try some defaults
Call stacks (most recent call first):
cMakeLists.txt:755 (find_package)

and the second one is:

cMake error at CmakeLists.txt:73 (messages)
POSTGIS library/components/dependency could not be found.


-disable postgis...
- add cmake_prefix_path...
Call stack (most recent call firsts)
CMakeLists.txt:590 (report_optional_not_found)

Sebastiano Laini
Web Developer
Buchanan Computing
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