[mapserver-users] Error While Generating Tiles

parsis presswala parsispresswala at gmail.com
Wed Mar 6 04:57:56 PST 2019

I am getting following error while generating tiles. I can't get the reason
of this error. I an using mapcache to generate tiles.

failed to seed tile z10,x645,y510:
curl failed to request url
: Operation timed out after 600000 milliseconds with 0 bytes received

aborting seed as 100.0% of the last 1000 requests failed

seeded 225 tiles, now at z10 x660 y510
seeded 2 metatiles (450 total tiles, 450 non-empty tiles) in 1201.8 seconds
at 0.4 tiles/sec (0.4 non-empty tiles/sec)

If anyone could help me with this, it would be greatly appreciated.

Parsis Presswala
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