[mapserver-users] Error While Generating Tiles
Erik Gustafson
gustafson.erik at gmail.com
Wed Mar 13 08:23:04 PDT 2019
seems like you're missing a spatial index on the geometry column.
CREATE INDEX planet_osm_polygon_sidx ON planet_osm_polygon USING GIST(geom);
If that doesn't help, do: explain analyze verbose <query>; and send the
On Wed, Mar 6, 2019 at 2:56 PM parsis presswala <parsispresswala at gmail.com>
> Hello,
> Yes I am using OSM data.
> I have imported it using osm2pgsql. Database: asiadb and tables
> are planet_osm_line, planet_osm_point, planet_osm_polygon, planet_osm_roads.
> I have imported data of whole planet using 40 GB .osm.pbf file.
> First I have only imported data of Asia and created map using map-server,
> which is working fine but as soon as import data of whole world, this
> problem occurred.
> I have 61 GB RAM and 8 Core processor as i am working on Amazon Elastic
> Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) type r4.2xlarge.
> Here is my mapfile.
> I have run EXPLAIN <slow request> and got following result:
> "Seq Scan on planet_osm_polygon (cost=0.00..18878787.88 rows=36617920
> width=277)"
> " Filter: ((leisure IS NOT NULL) OR (landuse IS NOT NULL) OR (amenity IS
> On Wed, Mar 6, 2019 at 7:04 PM Yves Jacolin <yves.jacolin at camptocamp.com>
> wrote:
>> Some questions that can help you :)
>> is it OSM data? How do you import them?
>> What is the extent of the data? Could you check if spatial indexes exist?
>> Could you run EXPLAIN <your slow request> and analyze it?
>> Y.
>> Le mer. 6 mars 2019 à 14:29, parsis presswala <parsispresswala at gmail.com>
>> a écrit :
>>> Hello,
>>> Here is a log of PostgreSQL. I consider that PostgreSQL takes very long
>>> time to execute query on polygon. What should I do fot it?
>>> 2019-03-06 11:23:49.620 UTC [2302] parsis at asiadb STATEMENT: select
>>> "highway"::text,"name"::text,"reflen"::text,"ref"::text,ST_AsBinary(ST_Force2D("way"),'NDR')
>>> as geom,"nullid"::text from (select *, NULL as nullid from ( SELECT way,
>>> highway, name, ref, oneway, CHAR_LENGTH(ref) AS reflen FROM planet_osm_line
>>> WHERE highway IN ('motorway', 'trunk','motorway_link','trunk_link') AND
>>> (name IS NOT NULL OR ref IS NOT NULL)) AS data) as nullidq where "way" &&
>>> ST_GeomFromText('POLYGON((-9473834.25396072
>>> 2853929.66787328,-9473834.25396072 3446928.13330971,-8880835.78852428
>>> 3446928.13330971,-8880835.78852428 2853929.66787328,-9473834.25396072
>>> 2853929.66787328))',900913)
>>> 2019-03-06 11:24:14.911 UTC [2592] parsis at asiadb LOG: could not send
>>> data to client: Broken pipe
>>> 2019-03-06 11:24:14.911 UTC [2592] parsis at asiadb STATEMENT: select
>>> "stylegroup"::text,ST_AsBinary(ST_Force2D("way"),'NDR') as
>>> geom,"nullid"::text from (select *, NULL as nullid from ( SELECT way, CASE
>>> WHEN leisure in
>>> ('park','garden','playground','golf_course','sports_centre','pitch','stadium','nature_reserve','common')
>>> THEN 'leisuree' WHEN landuse
>>> IN('park','forest','grass','farmyard','farm','farmland','wood','meadow','village_green','recreation_ground')
>>> THEN 'landusee' WHEN amenity in
>>> ('university','school','college','library','fuel','parking','cinema','theatre','place_of_worship','hospital')
>>> THEN 'amenityy' END AS stylegroup FROM planet_osm_polygon where (leisure is
>>> not null) or (landuse is not null) or (amenity is not null)) AS data) as
>>> nullidq where "way" && ST_GeomFromText('POLYGON((8116389.75422228
>>> -1276192.28146022,8116389.75422228 3467795.44203122,12860377.4777137
>>> 3467795.44203122,12860377.4777137 -1276192.28146022,8116389.75422228
>>> -1276192.28146022))',900913)
>>> 2019-03-06 11:24:14.911 UTC [2617] parsis at asiadb LOG: could not send
>>> data to client: Broken pipe
>>> 2019-03-06 11:24:14.911 UTC [2617] parsis at asiadb STATEMENT: select
>>> "stylegroup"::text,ST_AsBinary(ST_Force2D("way"),'NDR') as
>>> geom,"nullid"::text from (select *, NULL as nullid from ( SELECT way, CASE
>>> WHEN leisure in
>>> ('park','garden','playground','golf_course','sports_centre','pitch','stadium','nature_reserve','common')
>>> THEN 'leisuree' WHEN landuse
>>> IN('park','forest','grass','farmyard','farm','farmland','wood','meadow','village_green','recreation_ground')
>>> THEN 'landusee' WHEN amenity in
>>> ('university','school','college','library','fuel','parking','cinema','theatre','place_of_worship','hospital')
>>> THEN 'amenityy' END AS stylegroup FROM planet_osm_polygon where (leisure is
>>> not null) or (landuse is not null) or (amenity is not null)) AS data) as
>>> nullidq where "way" && ST_GeomFromText('POLYGON((8116389.75422228
>>> -1276192.28146022,8116389.75422228 3467795.44203122,12860377.4777137
>>> 3467795.44203122,12860377.4777137 -1276192.28146022,8116389.75422228
>>> -1276192.28146022))',900913)
>>> 2019-03-06 11:24:14.911 UTC [2592] parsis at asiadb FATAL: connection to
>>> client lost
>>> 2019-03-06 12:08:25.564 UTC [3362] parsis at asiadb STATEMENT: select
>>> ST_AsBinary(ST_Force2D("way"),'NDR') as geom,"nullid"::text from (select *,
>>> NULL as nullid from ( SELECT way FROM planet_osm_polygon WHERE (waterway IN
>>> ('riverbank')) OR ("natural" IN ('water')) OR (landuse IN ('basin',
>>> 'reservoir')) ) AS data) as nullidq where "way" &&
>>> ST_GeomFromText('POLYGON((-20228294.8225998
>>> -20228294.8225998,-20228294.8225998 17723606.9653297,17723606.9653297
>>> 17723606.9653297,17723606.9653297 -20228294.8225998,-20228294.8225998
>>> -20228294.8225998))',900913)
>>> 2019-03-06 12:08:25.564 UTC [3260] FATAL: terminating connection due to
>>> administrator command
>>> 2019-03-06 12:08:25.564 UTC [3260] STATEMENT: select
>>> ST_AsBinary(ST_Force2D("way"),'NDR') as geom,"nullid"::text from (select *,
>>> NULL as nullid from ( SELECT way FROM planet_osm_polygon WHERE (waterway IN
>>> ('riverbank')) OR ("natural" IN ('water')) OR (landuse IN ('basin',
>>> 'reservoir')) ) AS data) as nullidq where "way" &&
>>> ST_GeomFromText('POLYGON((-20228294.8225998
>>> -20228294.8225998,-20228294.8225998 17723606.9653297,17723606.9653297
>>> 17723606.9653297,17723606.9653297 -20228294.8225998,-20228294.8225998
>>> -20228294.8225998))',900913)
>>> 2019-03-06 12:08:25.564 UTC [3261] FATAL: terminating connection due to
>>> administrator command
>>> 2019-03-06 12:08:25.564 UTC [3261] STATEMENT: select
>>> ST_AsBinary(ST_Force2D("way"),'NDR') as geom,"nullid"::text from (select *,
>>> NULL as nullid from ( SELECT way FROM planet_osm_polygon WHERE (waterway IN
>>> ('riverbank')) OR ("natural" IN ('water')) OR (landuse IN ('basin',
>>> 'reservoir')) ) AS data) as nullidq where "way" &&
>>> ST_GeomFromText('POLYGON((-20228294.8225998
>>> -20228294.8225998,-20228294.8225998 17723606.9653297,17723606.9653297
>>> 17723606.9653297,17723606.9653297 -20228294.8225998,-20228294.8225998
>>> -20228294.8225998))',900913)
>>> 2019-03-06 12:08:25.564 UTC [3363] FATAL: terminating connection due to
>>> administrator command
>>> 2019-03-06 12:08:25.564 UTC [3363] STATEMENT: select
>>> ST_AsBinary(ST_Force2D("way"),'NDR') as geom,"nullid"::text from (select *,
>>> NULL as nullid from ( SELECT way FROM planet_osm_polygon WHERE (waterway IN
>>> ('riverbank')) OR ("natural" IN ('water')) OR (landuse IN ('basin',
>>> 'reservoir')) ) AS data) as nullidq where "way" &&
>>> ST_GeomFromText('POLYGON((-20228294.8225998
>>> -20228294.8225998,-20228294.8225998 17723606.9653297,17723606.9653297
>>> 17723606.9653297,17723606.9653297 -20228294.8225998,-20228294.8225998
>>> -20228294.8225998))',900913)
>>> 2019-03-06 12:08:25.570 UTC [1535] LOG: worker process: parallel worker
>>> for PID 3255 (PID 3261) exited with exit code 1
>>> 2019-03-06 12:08:25.570 UTC [1535] LOG: worker process: parallel worker
>>> for PID 3362 (PID 3363) exited with exit code 1
>>> 2019-03-06 12:08:25.570 UTC [1535] LOG: worker process: parallel worker
>>> for PID 3255 (PID 3260) exited with exit code 1
>>> 2019-03-06 12:08:25.609 UTC [3426] parsis at asiadb LOG: could not send
>>> data to client: Broken pipe
>>> 2019-03-06 12:08:25.609 UTC [3426] parsis at asiadb STATEMENT: select
>>> "admin_level"::text,ST_AsBinary(ST_Force2D("way"),'NDR') as
>>> geom,"nullid"::text from (select *, NULL as nullid from (select * from
>>> planet_osm_line where admin_level IN('2') and boundary IN
>>> ('administrative') and way NOT IN (SELECT way FROM planet_osm_line where
>>> admin_level IN('2') and boundary like 'administrative' and (tags->'dispute'
>>> = 'yes' or tags->'ISO3166-1' IN ('IN','CN','PK') or way IN(select way from
>>> in_cn_ignored_border)))) AS data) as nullidq where "way" &&
>>> ST_GeomFromText('POLYGON((-20228294.8225998
>>> -20228294.8225998,-20228294.8225998 17723606.9653297,17723606.9653297
>>> 17723606.9653297,17723606.9653297 -20228294.8225998,-20228294.8225998
>>> -20228294.8225998))',900913)
>>> 2019-03-06 12:08:25.609 UTC [3426] parsis at asiadb FATAL: connection to
>>> client lost
>>> Regards,
>>> Parsis Presswala
>>> On Wed, Mar 6, 2019 at 6:35 PM Yves Jacolin <yves.jacolin at camptocamp.com>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Hello,
>>>> Did you try to curl the request and see what happens: timeout, etc. If
>>>> so, try to get some log (mapserver or postgresql log) and see where is the
>>>> bottleneck.
>>>> Y.
>>>> Le mer. 6 mars 2019 à 13:58, parsis presswala <
>>>> parsispresswala at gmail.com> a écrit :
>>>>> Hello,
>>>>> I am getting following error while generating tiles. I can't get the
>>>>> reason of this error. I an using mapcache to generate tiles.
>>>>> failed to seed tile z10,x645,y510:
>>>>> curl failed to request url
>>>>> : Operation timed out after 600000 milliseconds with 0 bytes received
>>>>> aborting seed as 100.0% of the last 1000 requests failed
>>>>> seeded 225 tiles, now at z10 x660 y510
>>>>> seeded 2 metatiles (450 total tiles, 450 non-empty tiles) in 1201.8
>>>>> seconds at 0.4 tiles/sec (0.4 non-empty tiles/sec)
>>>>> If anyone could help me with this, it would be greatly appreciated.
>>>>> Regards,
>>>>> Parsis Presswala
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>>>>> mapserver-users mailing list
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>>>> --
>>>> Yves Jacolin
>>>> Training and support manager - Team Manager
>>>> Camptocamp
>>>> Tel (France) : +33 4 58 48 20 43
>>>> Tel (Switzerland) : +41 21 619 10 43
>>>> Mob. : +33 6 18 75 42 21
>>>> email : yves.jacolin at camptocamp.com
>>>> http://www.camptocamp.com
>> --
>> Yves Jacolin
>> Training and support manager - Team Manager
>> Camptocamp
>> Tel (France) : +33 4 58 48 20 43
>> Tel (Switzerland) : +41 21 619 10 43
>> Mob. : +33 6 18 75 42 21
>> email : yves.jacolin at camptocamp.com
>> http://www.camptocamp.com
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