[mapserver-users] fastcgi performance question

James Gardner jsg at internode.on.net
Sun Mar 29 15:39:57 PDT 2020


I have been doing some benchmarking of mapserver running through 
fastcgi, and an experiment with mapserver called through php through 
ms_iohandlerequest, running through php seems significantly faster (8x) 
than through fastcgi...

the benchmark I am using is a log of GetMap requests from our production 

called through a program called 'siege' with 20 concurrent connections...

my setup is;

          ubuntu 18.04 LTS,

          gdal-2.4 from ubuntugis stable

          mapserver 7.4.1 from ubuntugis-stable

          php7.2 from ubuntu-stable

When I hook mapproxy up to /cgi/bin/mapserv?map=

i get 10000 request per 10 minutes answered...

when i hook mapproxy up to /mapser/mapserv.php

I get 80,000 requests per 10 minutes answered...

for a 20 Mb shapefile with 70,000 points to display...

mapserv.php is a php file that parses the url and calls ms_iohandlerequest

mapproxy is set to not cache that particular layer...

I have tried going straight to the fastcgi path /cgi-bin/mapserv?map=
and straight to the php file, but the php file is always faster... if 
you want i can
make some docker container scripts to illustrate the point...

does anyone have any ideas what could be causing this difference?



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