[mapserver-users] Characters breaks variable substitution in TEXT parameter

Jeff McKenna jmckenna at gatewaygeomatics.com
Sat Mar 28 06:07:32 PDT 2020

Hi Nicol,

I have just tested this locally and the following does work:

   TEXT "[attribute1] - [attribute2] - [attribute3]"

   as well as

   TEXT "[attribute1]-[attribute2]-[attribute3]"

Both produce expected map/label results with shp2img.  I am testing with 
MS4W 4.0.3 (MapServer 7.6.0-dev).

You can see my mapfile (I use inline features, so you could even paste 
the feature locally to test): 

Here is the map output: 

Hope I am understanding your question properly.  And good morning from 
the east coast of Canada,


Jeff McKenna
MapServer Consulting and Training Services

On 2020-03-28 7:25 a.m., Nicol Hermann wrote:
> Hello,
> I want to use the TEXT parameter within a CLASS LABEL block to label
> features with multiple fields.
>        LABEL
>          TEXT "[frist] [second] [third]"
>          COLOR 0 0 0
>          FONT "arial"
>          ...
>        END
> I found that any character in between the specified fields of the TEXT
> keyword breaks the substitution of the fields.
> This works
> TEXT "[frist] [second] [third]"
> Does not work (the output is: '2 - [second] - [third]')
> TEXT "[frist] - [second] - [third]"
> Does not work either (same out like above just with line breaks)
> TEXT "[frist] - [second] - [third]"
> WRAP '-'
> Any idea how to concatenate text with substitutes from multiple field?
> In the ideal case in combination with the WRAP parameter.
> Thanks
> Nicol

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