[mapserver-users] Mapserver 7.6.2

Stephane Poissant spoissantca at gmail.com
Thu Jan 7 11:39:53 PST 2021

Good day Andreas,

Your suggestion about replacing boost packages from AWS with CentOS ones worked. 
Good catch. I was able to finally compile and install all my requirements. Thumbs up!
I had to download the whole list and install using rpm -ivh *.rpm.

One more thing. 
I am able to render many tiles (images) but I have trouble with some others. I double checked for librairies to avoid having duplicates or many versions...
But it does not seem to be the case.

I am getting a bunch of the following in my apache logs:
#### (Some data was replaced with xxxx on purpose for security reasons in the below log output) ###

[cgi:error] [pid 2512] [client] AH01215: GDAL: GDALOpen(PG:host=xxxxxxxx.com port=xxxx dbname=‘xxxxxx' user=‘xxxxx' password=XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX schema='public' table=‘xxxxxx' mode='2', this=0x125df80) succeeds as PostGISRaster.: /var/www/html/map/mapserv.cgi, referer: http://xxxxx.com/
[cgi:error] [pid 2509] [client] AH01215: GDAL: GDAL_CACHEMAX = 388 MB: /var/www/html/map/mapserv.cgi, referer: http://xxxxx.com/
AH01215: GDAL: In GDALDestroy - unloading GDAL shared library.

What could cause that? Flags while doing cmake? (Python maybe)
(I am using the below one):

— Stéphane
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